What kit should I bring?
Below are items of clothing and equipment you need to bring along for summer or winter courses. Please ensure you bring along all the items listed. This is for your own safety and enjoyment. If you don't think you have the right kit please drop us a line or check out the links for equipment hire.
- 3 season mountain boots - no trainers
- good quality walking socks
- waterproof and breathable jacket (with a hood)
- waterproof and breathable over trousers
- 'wicking' base layer- cotton will stay wet and cold when you sweat
- fleece mid layer
- spare fleece (in addition to the one above)
- warm gloves and spares (they will get wet and cold when it rains)
- warm hat
- 30 litre rucsack with a waterproof rucsack liner - rucsacks aren't waterproof
- survival bag
- small first aid kit with blister plasters and any medication you normally take
- small head torch
- Food and drink for the day including high energy snacks
- Waterbottle and/or flask
- sun hat
- sunglasses
- sunbloc Optional
- gaiters
- walking poles
- camera
- 4 season/winter mountain boots. If unsure please contact me
- Ice Axe (general mountaineering axe)
- Crampons, 10 or 12 points
- The above can all be hired locally
- good quality walking socks
- waterproof and breathable jacket (with a hood)
- waterproof and breathable over trousers (a pair with side zips are best)
- Gaiters
- 'wicking' base layer- cotton will stay wet and cold when you sweat
- Warm walking trousers, softshell or similar best
- fleece mid layer
- spare fleece jacket (in addition to the one above)
- At least 3 pairs warm mountaineering gloves.
- warm hat and balaclava
- 40 litre rucsack with a waterproof rucsack liner - rucsacks aren't waterproof (must have attachments on the outside to carry your ice axe)
- survival bag
- small first aid kit with blister plasters and any medication you normally take
- head torch with new batteries AND spare batteries
- Ski goggles
- sunglasses
- sunbloc
- Plenty of food for the day including high energy snacks
- Water bottle and/or flask
- Walking poles ( optional but highly recommended)
I can provide ice axes and crampons for an additional £5 per day for each item. Alternatively you can hire these at several outdoor stores in Aviemore and Fort William.
We strongly recommend you bring your own 4 season winter mountain boots which you have broken in. If you are not sure your boots are summer or winter boots please drop me a line.
If you don’t have boots they can be hired at many of the local outdoor stores in Aviemore and Fort William.