Torres del Paine, Patagonia
Torres del Paine, Patagonia

Expeditions to other world trekking destinations

Torres del Paine, Aconcagua, Patagonian Icecap, Mount Elbrus and the Mexico Volcanoes!

Tarmachan Mountaineering is available to run expeditions to mountain regions further afield. We have been to some amazing countries and mountain ranges over many years. Below are just a few of the expeditions we know well and can organize for you:


One of the great treks of the world. A beautiful 7- or 10-day trek in the Southern part of Chile, deep in Patagonia. This is a backpacking circuit around a unique and stunning mountain region with the Towers of Paine being the main focal point. The classic ‘O’ verion is the complete circuit of the ‘W’ circuit a shorter trek but with all the highlights. Every day on trek is very different. Soaring Granite Towers, beautiful forests, superb wildlife and amazing glacial lakes.

Torres del Paine


One of the ‘7 Summits’. Classed as the highest trek in the world. A phrase I wouldn’t quite use myself. Although a straightforward non-technical mountain ascent it is a more serious undertaking than your usual kind of trekking holiday. It is a huge mountain (6, 960m). High altitude and sometimes bad weather makes Aconcagua a serious proposition. We can organize and guide you and your group on this fabulous mountain in Argentina.


We have assisted with the guiding for Richard Hartley who runs Spanish Highs on this fabulous expedition. Many variants and new places to explore on and around the third largest sheet of ice on Earth. This area is remote and requires plenty of backpacking experience along with excellent physical fitness. An area really special and not on your average ‘bucket list’. You must go!

Patagonian Icecap


Another of the ‘7 Summits’. A step up from Aconcagua, despite this mountain being at a lower altitude, 5,642m. It is a glaciated mountain in Russia and a magical place to be. In 2013 I led a successful summit attempt with 4 people. Plenty of backpacking and excellent level of fitness required.


A more unusual place to venture. Mexico’s Volcanoes are seldom on people’s ‘tick list’. The lovely country of Mexico is a fascinating place to visit. Within a 50-mile radius of Mexico City lie a chain of volcanoes, the countries highest mountains. Very accessible and many of the summits are trekking and backpacking ascents. Most summits only take 3-4 days to climb, some less, and are excellent ways to get a taste for high altitude trekking and mountaineering. Pico de Orizaba stands at an altitude of 5600m and is the highest summit in the country. There are many other volcanoes that are between 4000 -5000m.

If you are interested in any of these expeditions please enquire for more details. We are also more than happy to discuss with you any particular regions you would love to trek and explore.

Gary Hodgson Photography - Workshops, Landscapes & Wildlife images

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