The avalanche awareness courses are designed for proficient winter hill walkers wishing to increase their knowledge of snow and avalanches to improve their understanding of avalanche reports and forecasts. Participants must already have sufficient winter hillwalking experience or have been on a Tarmachan Mountaineering winter walking course.
By the end of this day you will have increased your knowledge of snow and avalanches. You will have learned which areas to avoid, and improve your understanding of the SAIS avalanche report and forecast. The day will all be outdoor based in the Northern Cairngorms. There will be avalanche theory out on the hill but the majority of the day will be focused on a practical basis. This day is for hillwalkers but a lot of the skills acquired are directly transferable to climbers, off piste skiers, ski tourers and snowboarders.
This assessment and awareness day is incorporated in all our winter skills courses. This specific course we go into more depth on the subject. This may be a brush up or even a totally new subject for some winter hill goers and climbers. It is vital knowledge and something every winter enthusiast should be armed with when going out on the hills in winter. Adventurous activities in the winter mountains do have their dangers. However, the risk can be significantly minimised by making the right decisions regarding which terrain is safe or unstable and dangerous.
Joining onto one of my avalanche awareness courses I will teach you how to use the available equipment, axe, probe and snow shovel effectively and how you can test snow conditions including digging snow pits to analyse the snowpack. More importantly how to translate the daily avalanche reports to the route you will be taking in the hills. Interpreting the weather and the effect it will have on your objective and making your own assessment on snow terrain.
Snow shovels, avalanche probes and any other equipment are included on the day.
Venue: Northern Cairngorms
Dates: On demand
- 1 person: £195
- 2 people: £220
Please note: All course content is governed by weather and snow conditions on the day. It is subject to change & alteration.